Final Sequence

Preliminary Sequence

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Loose Ends #3

i) Usually in an opening sequence there is an important incident. This could be a murder (Se7en), an escape (Mission: Impossible) or something being stolen. This incident will be the catalyst that sends the protagonist on their journey.There can also be the build up to an important event, such as in Legally Blonde.

Usually the protagonist or the villain are revealed to the audience in the opening sequence and so this will set the scene for the film ahead along with the event/s that take place.

ii) The opening sequence sets the scene for the film. This could be done by showing the main characters and through their actions and personality the audinece can see what will happen.

They also demonstrate to the audience what normal life (or equilibrium) is like before the disruption that happens in the film. This disruption may also take place in the opening sequence but doesn’t always. Often in films such as James Bond the event in the opening sequence is somehow linked to the main story, but this may not be revealed to the audience straight away. This helps build suspense.

iii) The audience is able to see the equilibrium in the film. By doing this they can see the contrast once the disruption occurs. Using Barthes’ theory (the enigma code), means that early mysteries are shown which will link to the ending of the film and so set up a surprise or twist for the audience.

iv) The makers of the film use opening sequences to show where and when the film will take place and therefore satisfying audience expectations of the film. They also use it so they can put in any extra information before the main plot begins that may be useful throughut the remainder of the fil and will probably tie in somehow.

Analysis of Rear Window using Barthes' Theory

Action/ Proairectic Code: He takes a phone call from his boss. This could lead to him doing a job and so the audience wonders what will happen.
The people around him are seemingly important as the director makes sure we see what they are doing e.g. there’s a man shaving across the road, a couple lying on a balcony, a woman doing exercise and school kids walking by. This gives the audience the impression something will happen involving one/ some of these people.

Semantic Code: The man is the main character. It is his view from which we see the film and so we know that the film will involve him and probably something that happens whilst he is in his wheelchair.

Enigma Code: Why did the man stand in front of a car and break his leg, is this important to the story? What is the job the editor wanted him to do that he mentioned over the phone? Why are the nearby people so important? Why does he have so many fashion magazines?
Referential Code: This is set in a city. This gives the audience an idea of the setting and the time period in which the story takes place. The director is Alfred Hitchcock so the audience can expect a film typical of him i.e. usually a crime and a storyline with twists and turns.

Symbolic Code: The cast and wheelchair represents broken leg, meaning he can’t walk. Since it is daytime and he is at home we know that he isn’t working, probably due to him being confined to a wheelchair. All the flats being together tells the audience that the film will most likely all take place here as it is possible to see everything form his position.

Levi-Strauss Theory: Analysis of "Pale Rider"

In “Pale Rider” there are many opposites between the cowboys attacking the settlement and the inhabitants that show they are against each other and furthermore, which side is evil:

Calmness of the mountains - The noisy urgency of the cowboys
Calmness of the settlement’s inhabitants - The noisy urgency of the cowboys
Fear of the inhabitants - Confidence and joy of the cowboys
Primitive tools of people e.g. bow and arrow - Guns of the cowboys
People’s disorientation - Cowboys’ composure

There are also the binary opposites of before and after the attack:

Organisation of the settlement - Disorder of the settlement afterwards
Noise of the attack - Silence afterwards
Sun before (positive connotations) - rain afterwards (bad connotations)

There are also differences between the town and the settlements that tell the audience that the town and the settlement are against each other (or the town is against the settlement):

Better quality buildings in town - shacks in the settlement
Culture in town - the settlement must pay in basic gold, nothing civilised like money

During the fight there are also clear opposites:

Peace of man - aggression of cowboys
Fists of man (loses) - Sticks (wins)
Saviour’s stick (wins) - Guns (loses)
Water - Fire

It is interesting that the sticks beat the man being attacked but once his saviour takes a stick he can still defeat the guns, even though they are better and more advanced.